Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing

One cloud platform to run your entire business

From project initiation to close and beyond, we've got you covered.

Result: Real-time Insight, Lower Risk, Better Outcomes

ADEACA provides all-in-one business management cloud solutions for project-based companies. All based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Azure Cloud.

A complete solution for Aerospace & Defense manufacturing

To become more agile and more competitive, A&D contractors must control costs, ensure they have the right resources in place, enhance program management practices, manage customer relationships and standardize critical information across the enterprise.

To adapt to the challenges of the industry, aerospace and defense contractors have to improve key business intelligence, link customers and suppliers, improve performance at every level of a project, decrease complexity and connect global operations.

In addition, A&D contractors need real-time visibility into their operations so they can easily share pertinent information within project teams and make updates on the fly.

Support every ETO business stakeholder


Gain total control over your business and grow it the right way.


Manage risk with real-time financial insight of the entire business.


Go from reactive to proactive management of your projects.


Drive real business value with cloud-enabled digital transformation for project business.


Integrate engineering project processes from beginning to end.


Build trust with customers through real-time collaboration.

Integrate your capabilities

Everything for your ETO manufacturing business on one platform

Project Management for ETO

Project Management

  • WBS management and scheduling
  • Resource management
  • Budget management
  • CBS management and costing
  • Month-end process
  • Risk and issue management
  • Project (demand) driven MRP
  • Material constraint management
  • Sensor point status (early detection)
  • Project performance analytics



  • GL, AR, AP and fixed assets
  • Inventory and shop floor management
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
  • Project accounting
  • Service management
CRM for eto


  • Sales process management
  • Lead tracking
  • Opportunity management
  • Account and contact management
  • Social media tracking
  • LinkedIn sales navigator integration
  • Outlook integration
  • Mobile access
  • Dashboards and analytics

Learn more about ADEACA Project Business Automation™ 

Meet our A&D customers

  • Northrop Grumman

    Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) is an global aerospace and defense technology company, that delivers innovative solutions with applications that range from undersea to outer space and into cyberspace. ADEACA are helping streamlining their project processes in its international subsidiaries and toward the global headquarters.


    Northrop Grumman
  • Qioptiq

    Qioptiq designs and manufactures photonic products and solutions that serve a wide range of markets and applications in the areas of medicine, life science, industrial manufacturing, defense and aerospace, and research and development.

  • BAE System

    BAE Systems plc is a British multinational defence, security, and aerospace company. Its headquarters are in London in the United Kingdom with operations worldwide
  • API Group, Inc

    APi Group Inc. is a parent company to more than 40 independently managed life safety, energy, specialty construction and infrastructure companies located in over 200 locations worldwide.



    API Group, Inc

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