How we work

We are your project industry experts, acting as a key Microsoft partner from the start.

From your initial research, to making a selection, implementing a system and ongoing support, we’ve got you covered. We provide the right expertise, software and leadership to guide you through the process every step of the way.

Essential Requirements for Success

To best serve our customers in project industries worldwide, we designed our business model so we could provide these essential requirements for success:

  • Expertise – we are project industry experts, acting as a partner who can advise and inspire you throughout your journey, from scanning the market and building the initial business case, to going live and realizing ROI.
  • Technology – Adeaca PBA is the number one Project Business Automation software on the market, providing a comprehensive system for your business to grow faster, generate larger profits, and increase agility.

To ensure we keep the focus on these essentials, we’ve built a small organization of project industry experts, a global network of system integrators, and a strong, long-lasting relationship with Microsoft.​

The Quick Guide to Project Business Automation

A high-level guide to the business system for project-driven enterprises

This Quick Guide to Project Business Automation will help you understand the PBA solution and how it applies to your business. What you will learn:

  • What is Project Business Automation?
  • Who is PBA for?
  • What problem does PBA solve and why is it needed?
  • What are the core elements of PBA, including overviews of core capabilities?
  • What are the key benefits of PBA?

If a crucial part of your business is about running projects successfully, you need this guide.

A Global Team

We created a team of project business experts along with Microsoft worldwide, enabling us to architect the right solution for your business and orchestrate the entire process from start to finish.

Adeaca is your:

  • Primary partner and success champion
  • Project industry expert
  • Project Business Automation software creator
  • Primary solution architect

Already have a Microsoft partner?

No problem. We will work with your existing partner to provide project business expertise and architect the right PBA solution for your company’s needs.

You are a Microsoft Customer

When you become an Adeaca customer, you also become a Microsoft customer, with the full support of the global Microsoft ecosystem. We chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 as our platform for our Project Business Automation solution because it is:

  • Supported by Microsoft with a long-term R&D commitment to the platform
  • Appealing & user friendly
  • Well integrated into the desktop applications you already use
  • Cost effective and easier to configure & deploy than other enterprise ERP systems
  • Highly scalable
  • Accessible on any device

With Microsoft as your platform, you can trust that the technology will remain modern and relevant for decades. Adeaca is Microsoft’s go-to partner for project-driven industries.

Considering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations? 

Download the Whitepaper: Dynamics 365 Project Operations and Project Business Automation

For your project-driven business on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, you may consider the new offering from Microsoft called Project Operations. But what is Project Operations, who is it for, and what exactly are you getting? Find out in this whitepaper.

In this document, we explore the best types of industries and businesses that should find value in Project Operations and those that will need something more. We provide a high-level comparison between the functionality found in Dynamics 365 and Adeaca PBA, so you can decide what makes the most sense for you.

The Power of an Ecosystem

Together with Microsoft and our global network, we represent a team of thousands to bring you this solution and ensure your success.

We are Your Advocate

Whether we do the implementation of your Microsoft system or another partner does, we ensure the right level of expertise and support for your project. We involve all relevant parties early in the process so they have a thorough understanding of the requirements for configuration, integration and training.

Beyond System Integratration

Project Business Automation is designed to bring you all the functionality you need to run your core project business. However, every business is different, and your company may have evolved with some specific requirements as part of your business model.

Adeaca also has partnerships with many Microsoft ISVs to fulfill the unique business requirements of certain project-driven workloads. If your business requires a particular point solution, we will source and architect the right functionality for your needs.

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Discover more or engage with our project business experts.

PBA Quick Guide

PBA Quick Guide

This Quick Guide to Project Business Automation gives you a high-level overview of PBA and how it can be applied to your project-driven business.


PBA Fit Assessment

Quickly find out if Project Business Automation will work for your company. Based on your company's profile, we will share how PBA will solve your problems and bring value to your business.

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