Explore Project Business Automation
Learn more about Project Business Automation and how it could transform project-based companies everywhere.
Find valuable content below as you explore solutions for your Project Business.
What is Project Business?
Most Project Businesses are not even aware that a solution like Project Business Automation exists. Therefore, it is important that you familiarize yourself with PBA and gain a general understanding if it will benefit your company.
Project Business is Everywhere
Projects are critical to many different types of companies in different industries. Explore where your company fits.
The Case for PBA
Download the Project Business Automation Blueprint to get a thorough definition of PBA as a category of business systems and why it makes sense for project-driven organizations.
Is PBA right for your company?
Take the PBA Fit Assessment
PBA is a comprehensive business system designed to support project business processes and data.
We designed the PBA Fit Assessment to help you discover quickly if PBA is a good fit for your company.
By going through this quick assessment, you will learn how PBA can solve your most difficult project business problems. It is free and there is no obligation.
Project Business Challenges
What are the most common challenges facing project-based companies today?
Stop Accepting the Status Quo
Project Businesses are operating the same way they did 30 years ago. ERPs and business systems that are mostly limited around project accounting perpetuate stagnant productivity and poor project business management. How can you break free from this status quo?
The Stagnation Problem of Project Business
Project-based industries have remained stagnant or even declined in productivity over the last 30 years. On the other hand, traditional industries such as retail and manufacturing continue to increase productivity and succeed. Why?
7 Project Management KPIs You Should Know in Real Time
These are seven KPIs that are crucial to Project Business success. Beyond just knowing them, however, it is critical that you see these project health indicators in real time. Why?
Project Business Requirements Template
The most comprehensive business system requirements document for project-driven processes.
400+ criteria you can use immediately to evaluate any business system for its Project Business capabilities.
- Create or supplement your own RFI or business requirements document
- Set parameters and evaluate vendor demonstrations around the included features
- Rethink your tools and systems strategy supported by tangible criteria
Any company exploring a new project/portfolio management, project accounting, project analytics, ERP, or related system needs this template.
Considering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations?
Download the Whitepaper: Dynamics 365 Project Operations and Project Business Automation
For your project-driven business on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, you may consider the new offering from Microsoft called Project Operations. But what is Project Operations, who is it for, and what exactly are you getting? Find out in this whitepaper.
In this document, we explore the best types of industries and businesses that should find value in Project Operations and those that will need something more. We provide a high-level comparison between the functionality found in Dynamics 365 and Adeaca PBA, so you can decide what makes the most sense for you.
Find answers to your questions
Discover more or engage with our project business experts.
Transform with PBA
Download our exclusive eBook: Project Business Transformation with PBA to uncover the strategies you need to revolutionize project business management in your organization.
PBA Fit Assessment
Quickly find out if Project Business Automation will work for your company. Based on your company's profile, we will share how your transformation with Adeaca will solve your problems and bring value to your business.
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Simply start an email dialogue to gather some more information about how we work and the transformation we may be able to bring to your organization.