Project Organization Structure
Manage people and project relationships efficiently with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Get alerted to project issues that arise immediately and control who has access to what projects and what parts of the project.
Project Organization Structure in a Generation 3 Project Business System
Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA provides unique capabilities that go beyond other solutions on the market.
Generation 1 and 2 systems today do not integrate their project financials and operations, making it difficult to efficiently organize people and projects, and ultimately manage everyone assigned to different units in the organization.
Due to the true integration of a generation 3 system, the Project Organization Structure enables project-driven companies to manage projects, assign individual tasks to people, and grant stakeholders security access to different areas of the project (operations or financials) all in one comprehensive project business solution.
Efficient Management of Project Responsibilities
Large, complex projects involve a lot of moving parts and a lot of hands-on deck. Project-based companies that lack a Project Organization Structure often face project disruptions, conflict, risk, uncertainty, confusion, and delays.
In Adeaca PBA, the Project Organization Structure provides a structure for organizing people and projects within a company.
The Project Organization Structure is used to manage:
- What you see in the Project Stakeholder workspace, the default dashboard for your projects
- What alerts you receive through Adeaca PBA’s Project Autopilot system
- What access you have to individual projects and their components
Project Management by Exception
The Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time
Since the Project Organization Structure is connected to Adeaca PBA’s Project Autopilot, all your projects are constantly monitored in real time and automatically notifies you if anything is out of the norm.
The Project Organization Structure allows you to manage how everyone is assigned to different units within the organization.
The POS controls what you see in your personal Project Stakeholder workspace.
The POS automatically alerts you to any project issues where you are a stakeholder.
How the Project Organization Structure Works
Only see projects assigned to you
The Project Stakeholder workspace is not only used to assign stakeholders to projects, but also limit what you see in the system. You only see the projects you’re a project stakeholder on. The workspace also allows you to see other stakeholders on that project so there’s no confusion as to who is responsible for what aspect of the project.
Automatic assignment of project stakeholders
When you link a new project to the Project Organization Structure, you automatically get any stakeholder in that area or division assigned to the project.
Indirect project stakeholders such as the CEO, CFO, program managers, project accountants, project directors, resource managers, and POS personas are automatically assigned. Other positions such as account managers, project administrators, or project managers can be manually assigned to the project to allow for more granular control at that level.
Enforce security differently for different projects
The Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA provides additional security, giving individual project stakeholders access to different areas of the project, based on different projects.
An individual might have planner access on a specific project, making it so they can only see the operations of the project and cannot access the financial area. That same person might be a controller on another project granting them access to the project financials, but not the operations.
Project Autopilot alert triggers
The Project Organization Structure is connected to Adeaca PBA’s Project Autopilot, which monitors all projects in real time and detects deviations in critical metrics. Then it alerts you to those problems instantly.
With the POS, you only get alerted for issues that arise on projects where you are a project stakeholder. If the project is not on your list, you will not get an alert.
How the Project Organization Structure brings value to your organization
Better Cost Control
The Project Organization Structure allows you to efficiently manage and organize projects. This means roles and responsibilities are appropriately assigned so there’s no confusion and projects are delivered on time and on budget.
Enhanced Risk Readiness
As part of the Project Organization Structure, Project Autopilot automatically notifies you if there’s an issues with your project. If something moves outside the norm, you are alerted immediately so you can take mitigating action fast.
Improved Delivery
The Project Organization Structure ensures people are properly assigned to different projects and units within the organization. When everyone knows their role and responsibility on a project, there’s no confusion, uncertainty, or miscommunication. Projects are better positioned to be delivered on time.
Download the Feature Brief: Project Organization Structure
Download the Project Organization Structure Feature Brief to learn more and discover what it can do for your company.
What you will learn:
- What is the Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA and its purpose
- How does it work
- Problems the Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA solves
- Use cases for the Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA
- How the Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA will benefit your company
If you need an efficient way to manage people and project relationships, the Project Organization Structure in Adeaca PBA is the answer.
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